Investax Management Inc.


Investment portfolios

  • Investment portfolios are based on each individual situation.
  • we recommend quality Canadian securities to gain the benefit of the Dividend Tax Credit and Canadian, American and Foreign securities for capital growth.
  • Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Bond ETFs and Money Market instruments complement the focus of a diversified portfolio.
  • once the investment portfolio is designed, Investax works through an investment account in the client name at a broker approved by the client.
  • all securities are held in segregated form in your name. Investax does not hold any securities or funds.
  • after the client approves the Investment Policy Statement, Investax will execute orders and track the investment results.
  • clients receive a monthly brokerage statement and a quarterly summary statement from Investax.
  • Investax fees are charged monthly in arrears based on the value of the investment portfolio and are tax deductible.
  • Investax is registered with the BC Securities Commission as a Portfolio Manager.

Investax Management Inc.  #706 - 1155 Robson Street, Vancouver, B.C.  V6E 1B5
Tel: (604) 688 3595  Fax: (604) 687 4826
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